All For Hope - Olivia Hardin I like a little action in my romance books. I am not at heart a truly romantic person. To be honest I am more of guy. LOL I think that is why for so many years I shied away from Romance books. Luckily in the past year or so I have met some terrific writers that have opened my mind to different genres of books. I really loved this book. I love Olivia’s writing style, I love how she makes the characters pop and the story feel alive. Hope is a fantastic character, so spunky and brave. Since I believe in fate and destiny All For Hope really resonated with me. Even though Hope runs away to escape a terrible situation, she runs into an old flame who just “happens” to be in the right place and the right time. Fate. I really got wrapped up in the transition of Hope and Brennan’s relationship, slow as it was, because the payoff was worth it. All in all this book had action, humor, fantastic romance and a terrific plot. 5 stars from me.